Even if you have no credit, Snap is a great way to finance the things you need. It’s not a traditional loan, but a consumer lease that spreads out your purchase over 12 months of easy payments.
Payback in 100 days for only cash amount, plus a processing fee.
Create a more flexible payment schedule that fits within your life.
Pay off the purchase in 12 months or less.
Set up payments to be automatically deducted from your checking account.
At A Plus Tire Club, we always want to take care of your tire and service needs.
By becoming an exclusive Bridgestone Affiliated Retailer Nationwide Network cardholder, you have a dedicated line of credit just for your car, plus these benefits:
No interest if paid in full within 6 months*
$299 Minimum purchase required. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the purchase balance is not paid in full within 6 months or if you make a late payment.
*MINIMUM MONTHLY PAYMENTS REQUIRED. Applicable to purchases made January 1 through December 31, . APR: 22.8%. Minimum Finance Charge: $1.00. CFNA reserves the right to change APR, fees and other terms unilaterally.
Apply Online Today with Credit First National Association’s (CFNA) application page. CFNA is the bank behind your automotive credit card.
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